Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What's Next? Will this beady-eyed bazturd one day just admit he was 'actually' wrong?

Yesterday's Globe & Mail assessment had it right:

"In an interview with CTV News, aired on Monday, Mr. Harper primarily made headlines by declining to rule out the possibility of recession turning to depression, and for a gloomy economic forecast in which he said he has “never seen such uncertainty in terms of looking forward to the future.” He effectively completed the government's retreat from its refusal to run a deficit in its fiscal update, acknowledging that the billions of dollars to be spent in next month's budget would push the country into the red. This showed a welcome – if belated and still inconsistent – recognition of the need to adjust his government's economic policies to the times."

Now if we could only get the beady-eyed fucker to look straight into a camera and say: "My stance this past election cycle was all a sham. I knowingly lied about our country's future economic prospects and, for that, I apologize."

Baby steps people, baby steps...

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