Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Christians and Obesity: Food for thought?

Couldn't let this observation pass without notice. If faith in Jesus makes you fat - maybe its time to get a new faith?

"Christians are fatter than other Americans. One of several studies revealing this, published by a Purdue University team in 2006, found that 30 percent of Baptists are obese, followed by 22 percent of Pentecostals and 17 percent of Catholics, compared to only 1 percent of Jews and 0.7 percent of Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. According to the Journal of the Southern Baptist Convention, health screenings were given at the SBC's 2005 annual meeting: Over 75 percent of its 1,472 participants were found to be significantly overweight."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Booze Conundrum: Despair UK Style

"Responsible drinking in local pubs has been a cornerstone of British society for centuries. Binge drinkers who wreak havoc should be targeted when they harm the well being of others, and cost taxpayers billions, but a proportionate response is the best way forward."

That the (noble?) drinking traditions which form the "cornerstone" of this wastrel western society are even mentioned in a sentence that goes on to admit its alcoholism problems are costing its treasury billions and 'wreaking havoc' across the land only proves this society needs to give its young citizens... a reason to live!