Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Harper and Iggy - - Adults?

So Globe & Mail columnist Lawrence Martin is calling the Harper-Iggy pact an adult decision? In essence, all they have done is strike a mutually convenient political pact for both sides. One that, thankfully, spares we Canucks from a long hot summer of having our lawns littered with political placards of dubious aesthetic character, hooky BBQ gatherings, and sweaty disingenuous talk.


Good? Yes, good! Why? Because neither of the principles in this deal has graced us with a clear idea of where they want to lead this country. Neither man has bothered to advance a vision that distinguishes between where we are, where we need to be, and how we are going to get there. Neither man is being truthful over the absolute fiscal imperative that will see the federal government necessarily raise our taxes to offset our burgeoning national deficit. Neither man has come to grips with the fact that band-aid solutions tied to ill-conceived business friendly stimulus projects will not see us through. We need something more, something lasting. We need one of them to speak to people first, business second, and partisanship last.

Small differences and ephemeral core values do not a platform make. I, for one, am happy to wait until the fall to consider my options. Hopefully, by then, one of these gentlemen will be able to speak honestly, and with clarity, about why they deserve to be my Prime-Minister. As it stands, I have a lot of reason why Harper should not; but, as yet, I have few as to why Iggy should.

Both Iggy and Harper have some serious genuflecting and hard homework to do over the summer. Both have to learn how to speak honestly!

Do your work gentlemen, you may listen to Canadians this summer, but don't intrude too much - - spare us any further petty machinations, obtuse obfuscations, and asinine accusations borne of suspect intellectual and ideological rationalizations. All that can wait until the fall. In September, come back as leaders replete with vision - or, do not come back at all!

p.s. Manic Jack, you best do the same. Nobody wants to hear your outrage all summer; just bring us your ideas in the fall.

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